mardi 15 décembre 2015

Why the war?

The war is defined as a state of armed conflict between various political groups formed, as states, then designated as enemy or belligerents.

A war can also be an armed conflict between two populations of opposing factions within the same state, it is called civil war, inter-ethnic war, revolutionary war or secession war, as opposed to foreign or international wars.

States wage war to other states, not to individuals or families that compose them.

The wars and capabilities are subject to the old rules of honor and tacitly admitted the laws of war, become the foundation of international law. They define the conditions of legitimacy, the conduct and lawful means wars. A war is preceded by a claim (casus belli), an ultimatum, then a declaration of war; It may be suspended by a truce, an armistice; it ends with the surrender of an army, the capitulation of a government, and the signing of a treaty granting or refusing the initial claims, the payment of compensations, and return to a state of peace.

The science of conducting a war is called the strategy to win the battle tactics, the causes and consequences of conflict,war

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